Witnessing bird behavior

dropped fish
Looks like someone dropped their dinner

Living life on Cousin Island is often equivalent to living in an Attenborough documentary or a living laboratory. Whilst tourists are exposed to an excellent taster during their one and a half hour tour of Cousin Island Special Reserve, its only through living on the Island and total immersion in the wildlife that you get to see some truly interesting behavior. Continue reading “Witnessing bird behavior”

Diary of a seychelles magpie robin

photo taken 24th July 2014
photo taken 24th July 2014

The Seychelles Magpie Robin is one the most popular and charismatic birds found on Cousin Island. It also heralds another of the Seychelles great conservation success stories. Once down to as few as 19 individuals, found only on Fregate Island, the Seychelles Magpie Robin has rebounded in magnificent form. Continue reading “Diary of a seychelles magpie robin”